Fine Art and Art History, BA., Rice University
British American Drama Academy, Oxford, England

Solo and selected group shows
The Stable Gallery, Mother; Nature, July 8 – August 12 2023, Lake Hill, NY
The Stable Gallery, Singularity; Anima Mundi, June 25 – September 11 2022, Lake Hill, NY
Spring Break Art Fair, 2020, curated by Anthony Haden Guest, Your Name in Lights
The Stable Gallery, Interregnum, October- December 2021
O+ festival, featured artist, The Veil and performance of The Four Sisters; The Eye, the Ear, the Brain and the Mouth, October 2019
One Mile Gallery, Libra; Justicia, October 2019
The Collective Gallery, Words: Text in Art, Jan-Feb 2019, Woodstock NY
The Collective Gallery, Seen and Unseen, October-December 2018, Woodstock NY
The Collective Gallery, Shaking the Dreamland Tree, July-September 2018, Woodstock NY
The Collective Gallery, The Fusion of Identity and Idolatry, May-July 2018, Woodstock NY
The Collective Gallery, Red Thread;Good Grief, March-May 2018, Woodstock NY
The Collective Gallery, Into the Woods, October-December 2017, Woodstock NY
AMP Gallery, Camera Obscura, May-June 2017, Provincetown MA
D-Day Gallery, The Anatomy of the Structure of a Family, Nov 2016 - Jan 2017, Woodstock NY
AMP Gallery, V.I.T.R.I.O.L., June 2016, Provincetown MA
McDaris Gallery, New Works, June-July 2015, Hudson NY
AMP Gallery, Beyond This Place There Be Dragons, May-June 2015, Provincetown MA
AMP Gallery, Mend and Rend, October-November 2014, Provincetown MA
Denise Bibro, Art from the Boroughs II/Group, June- August 2014 NY, NY
AMP Gallery, Above and Below, May-June 2013, Provincetown MA

Selected Film
The Immigrant, dir. James Gray, 2014, supporting actress to Marion Cotillard, Joaquin Phoenix, Jeremy Renner
The Afterlight, dir., Alexei Kaleina and Craig Mac Neil, 2009, female lead across from Rip Torn and Michael Kelly
Arabian Nights, dir. Tripp Culman, 2006, written by Walter Shimmelpfenning, at Classic Stage Company with The Play Company, title role, Franciska

Upstate Diary